トレーダム為替ソリューション 【AI為替リスク管理システム】

  • The company GFIT Inc. which operates the AI forex risk management system “TRADOM FOREX SOLUTION,” has changed its name to TRADOM Inc.

    We are pleased to announce that our company has changed its name from GFIT Inc. to TRADOM Inc.


    ◼︎Details of the Change
    Before: GFIT Inc.
    After: TRADOM Inc.

    ◼︎Date of Change
    October 1, 2024

    ◼︎Regarding the Website
    There will be no changes to the website URL or other details related to the company name change.

    ◼︎About the Name Change
    TRADOM Inc. is a fintech company that develops and provides solutions to properly manage forex risk, one of the major challenges in global business. Through the provision of “ForexTech,” which combines traditional financial engineering-based financial products with advanced technologies, including mathematical models, AI, and data science-based financial system development, we are expanding our business to support the growth of globally ambitious companies and the development of the fintech industry.
    With the increasing number of companies adopting our forex risk management tool, “TRADOM FOREX SOLUTION,” and growing recognition of the product, we have decided to unify our company name with the product name, “TRADOM,” to strengthen the branding of both the product and the company.
    We will continue to strive to provide services that satisfy our clients and aim to become a trusted company.

    トレーダムは、”あらゆるビジネスに、世界で戦えるインフラを。” をミッションに掲げ、グローバルに挑戦する企業の成長やフィンテック業界の発展に貢献すべく事業を展開していきます。


    社名  :トレーダム株式会社(TRADOM Inc.)

    本社  :〒100-0004 東京都千代田区大手町1-6-1 大手町ビル4階FINOLAB内

    資本金 :648,534,900円(資本準備金を含む)

    設立  :2015年1月

    代表者 :代表取締役社長 浦島伸一郎、代表取締役 阪根信一



    HP    :https://tradom.jp/

    登録番号:金融商品取引業者 関東財務局長(金商)第3329号

    加入協会:一般社団法人 日本投資顧問業協会 
